What to know about joining the Reading Community Singers (RCS) chorus:

RCS performs two major concerts each season, one at Reading Memorial High School and one at either Brooksby Village or the Residence at Pearl Street. We also sing for community events such as the Reading Holiday Tree Lighting and the Reading Menorah Lighting.

You may attend the first 3 rehearsals without registering for the chorus. This allows you to try us for free.

  • You must register before you can attend the fourth rehearsal.
  • The registration fee per session is $100 per season. (RCS has two sessions: holiday and spring)

Music is handed out in folders when you arrive at rehearsal. Once you register, you may take the music home to use for the season.

  • If you have not yet registered, you must return the music at the end of rehearsal and get new music if you return.
  • Before the concert, we will distribute binders to hold the music. After the last concert, the binders and music will be turned in. The paper folders handed out with the music do not have to be returned.
  • Please only make notes in the music lightly with a pencil so the marks can be erased.

Members are expected to attend rehearsals and performances.

  • Dress for rehearsals is casual/comfortable. Information about what to wear for concerts will be explained as we get closer to the concert.
  • You are allowed to miss 3 rehearsals but if you miss more than that, the Director must approve your remaining in the chorus for the season.

We try to protect the health of the members.

  • If you are not feeling well, please do not attend rehearsal. We are close together during rehearsal, so it is easy to spread a cold.
  • Masks are not required, but we welcome members wearing masks if they choose.

New member appreciation night:

  • Usually after the 4th rehearsal, we end the rehearsal early and have a social time at the church to get to know the new members.
  • Former chorus members provide snacks. New members do not need to bring anything.
  • Please plan to attend so we can get to know you.

We expect members to sell at least 4 tickets each. There are many costs to keep RCS going and tickets are a big part of how we do that.

Tickets usually go on sale roughly a month and a half before the show. You may purchase tickets with cash/checks during a rehearsal or you may purchase tickets on-line using a credit card.

There is always more information that needs to be communicated. There are two documents that will provide more detail for the current season. There is also information on the website and Facebook page.

One document is a page given out with the music that contains the calendar for the season including dates for the rehearsals, concerts and other events occurring during the season.

The page also says how to find our Facebook page and how to access the member page of our website.

The member page of our website includes more information and links to recordings to help practice the music. Similar and additional information will be on the Facebook page.

Closer to the concert date, another document is sent out with details about what to expect for the week of the concert, what time you need to be there and what you should wear.
